Hansen School Student Handbook

Hansen School has developed a Parent/Student Handbook to assist parents and students in understanding more about our school. The school is committed to providing a positive, focused learning environment that promotes academic excellence while fostering students’ mutual respect and personal and social responsibility. This handbook is your guide to the policies and procedures of Hansen School. These guidelines will help us provide an equitable opportunity for a quality education for each of our students. This Parent/Student Handbook has been developed so that all students and parents may have a ready reference to information, which is necessary to the understanding of the daily operation of our school. It is essential that all parents and students read the information contained in this handbook so there may be as few misunderstandings as possible. Parents are asked to review the Parent/Student Handbook during the student registration process. It can also be accessed by clicking on the link below for your convenience. If you have any questions related to anything contained in the Parent/Student Handbook, please contact your child's teacher.

At Hansen School we take bullying and harassment very seriously. Because of our commitment to ensuring a safe, secure learning environment for each student, we've developed a policy in this area. To read our Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Policy, please click here.

Click here for a pdf version of the Hansen Parent/Student Handbook