
  • Improve student achievement and opportunities for all students to succeed
  • Maintain a safe, orderly and positive learning environment with well-maintained, attractive facilities
  • Attract, develop, and retain highly qualified employees throughout the district
  • Use a variety of technological tools to enhance the instructional program and increase staff productivity
  • Promote and maintain fiscal stability
  • Promote parent and community support and involvement in school programs


Savanna School District will provide a quality educational program, building academic, physical, social and emotional growth in an environment that will be stimulating for learning in cooperation with parents and the community; develop all students to their individual capacity to prepare them for future learning experiences.


Our students will achieve their personal best and will be socially responsible, contributing members of the community.

Core Values

We believe that…

  • Our focus will consistently be student-centered and forward–looking.
  • Our role is to develop academically capable students who will be prepared to be the leaders of tomorrow.
  • Learning occurs best in a safe, caring and orderly environment.
  • We are a ‘learning community’ with expectations and opportunities for students, parents, and staff to learn and grow.
  • We are accountable to our community for setting clear expectations and aligning our resources to meet our goals.
  • Commitment from students, home, school, and community is essential to student success.
  • We will provide the best, expect the best, and accept nothing less.