Helping Your Child Succeed in School

Research shows that parental involvement is the most important factor in guaranteeing student success in school.  It is your nurturing and guidance that helps your children develop a true love of learning.

Parent/Guardian Overview Brochures

Common Core State Standards for parents/guardians, providing insights into what students will learn and highlighting progression through the grade levels.

English Language Arts/Literacy

Grades K-2 (English Version) Grades K-2 (Spanish Version)

Grades 3-5 (English Version)  Grades 3-5 (Spanish Version)

Grades 6-8 (English Version) Grades 6-8 (Spanish Version)


Grades K-2 (English Version) Grades K-2 (Spanish Version)

Grades 3-5 (English Version) Grades 3-5 (Spanish Version)

Grades 6-8 (English Version) Grades 6-8 (Spanish Version)

English Language Development

Grades K-12 (English Version) Grades K-12 (Spanish Version)

As you and your children get ready to go back to school, here are recommendations for you to consider as this new year gets underway: 

  • Be enthusiastic about school!  It is your enthusiasm that inspires your children to do their best.  Keep your children excited about learning, and eager to share their daily discoveries.  Your positive attitude toward learning will help your child become a lifelong learner. 

  • Set up a quiet and comfortable homework area.  Find a space where your children can do their homework in comfort and without distractions (turn the TV off!).  Make sure your children have a regularly scheduled time to study and do homework each day, this will help them concentrate and do quality work.

  • Mark important school dates on your calendar.  During the first week of school, your child will bring home a calendar of important events that will be taking place during the school year.  These will include dates for Back to School Night, Parent Conferences, PTA meetings, Open House, and much more.  Put these on your calendar at home so that you don’t miss any of these important school events. 

  • Get to know your child’s teacher.  Parents and teachers working together set the stage for student success.  Make it a point to meet your child’s teacher during the first few days of school.  Find out what is expected of your child.  Support your child’s teacher by checking homework, knowing when assignments are due and asking questions to help you keep track of your child’s progress.

  • Get involved at school.  Join the PTA, it is a great way to meet other parents and support your child’s school.  Volunteer in the classroom if you are available during the day.  If you aren’t available during the day, ask your child’s teacher if there are projects you can help her/him with at home.  Sign up as a chaperone for field trips. 

  • Expect your child to succeed!  Our schools have very high expectations for your children and your support is needed in holding them to these high standards.  Expect your children to do their very best at school every day.  Hold them accountable to complete their homework and work hard at school.  By helping your children believe they can be successful, they will be successful!

By following these recommendations, you will help assure that your child has a successful school year.